Neletia len dni, ale aj roky. 29.apríla 2005 sme s Rasťom sedeli v kuchyni babinky Františky. Popíjali čierny čaj a rozprávali sa. Netvárili sme sa už, že veci, ktoré spolu zažívame, sú obyčajné, či bežné. Prvýkrát sme sa dotkli rukou ruky, ja som sa pre istotu nepustila svojho hrnčeka čaju. Možno by som inak... odletela.
Teraz, po jedenástich rokoch mi tento deň pripadá zásadnejší, než deň svadby. Narodili sa nám tri deti. Prechádzame týmito rokmi spolu, niekedy popri sebe, niekedy aj kus od seba. Zažili sme zatiaľ najťažší rok nášho vzťahu, asi aj našich životov. Náš vzťah je ale stále centrom môjho života.
Pred rokom som napísala Rasťovi pieseň, tento rok sme si ju spolu nahrali.
Vidím, počujem, cítim. Bez svojich zmyslov by som nebola tým, čím som. Bez nich by som 29.apríla necítila Rasťov prvý dotyk. Ani Juraja spiaceho mi práve na hrudi, ani vôňu jeho hlavičky, ani by som nepočula zvuk výťahu, v ktorom vždy skúmam, či sa ku mne vracajú dievčatá s Rasťom.
Čo by zo mňa zostalo, keby som necítila? Čo zo mňa zostane, keď umrú moje zmysly? Čo je vlastne tá duša. Neodpovedajte. Choďte sa pozrieť, začuť, pohladiť a ovoňať svoj život, svojich milovaných. Nič lepšie tu na svete nemáme.
It's not just days, the years fly. We were sitting in grandma Frantiska's kitchen on April 29, 2005. Drinking black tea and talking. Not hiding the feeling, that things were far from usual. Our hands touched for the first time. I didn't let the mug go. Just to make sure.
That moment shines even more than the wedding day in my memory. Three children have been born to us since then. We have walked through these years together, side by side, sometimes even far from each other. The most difficult year so far is just ending. But our "us" is still the centre of my life.
I wrote a song for Rasťo a year ago. We recorded it this year.
I feel, I see, I smell, I hear. I wouldn't be what I am without my senses. I wouldn't have felt Rasťo's touch on April 29, 11 years ago. I wouldn't feel Juraj sleeping on my chest right now, nor would I smell the scent of his baby head. I wouldn't hear the sounds of the elevator, trying to recognize whether it's bringing my girls and man back to me or not.
What would be left of me if I couldn't feel anymore? What will be left of me when my senses die? What is the soul anyway. Don't answer. Go touch, smell, watch, hear and feel your own life, your own beloved ones. There is nothing better we have in life.
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