Túžime narodeniny prežiť ako oslavu toho, že sme rodina vďaka jednotlivým životom v nej a nedevalvovať tieto pocity prepodnetovaním atrakciami, prekvapeniami a novými hračkami. Ešte ten pocit správnosti len hľadáme.
Večer sme ho asi na chvíľu našli, keď sme sa odpravili do lesa a v stane pre dvoch a pri ohni sme boli zomknutí, ako to len ide.
We're still searching for the "right birthday thing". We would like to celebrate the fact that our family is preciously made of the four unique lives and we don't want this message to be disrupted by an overload of presents, action and surprises.
So we made Agatka a part of the baking and she got one simple present - a handmade purse. We then took her and Inka to the woods where we spent a night close together in a tent for two.
I guess that was the "real birthday thing".
Špaldová torta bez mlieka a masla. Kokosové maslo vyšľahané na krém (v chladničke sa maslo za pár hodín oddelí od mlieka a vytvorí súvislú vrstvu na vrchu plechovky). Čučoriedky. Ríbezlový krém.
Dairy-free spelt cake. Coconut butter whipped for the filling. Blueberries. Black currant cream for the top.
"Halona torta!" (Fialová torta!)
The moment she realized the cake was purple.
Unavená dvojročná. The tired two-year-old.
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